We’re here to support your goals.
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It’s a new year, but you may be facing some all-too-familiar COVID-19 challenges once again. We’re here to support you with remote and hybrid learning resources for ELA instruction. We recently sent an email featuring these tools, but if you missed it, you can find them anytime in the Remote and hybrid learning resources section of the ELA Professional Learning Site. Additional details can also be found on the start.amplify.com ELA page. Whether learning is taking place fully remote from home or through a blend of remote and in-person instruction, these resources will remain available to support your changing needs.

During times of remote learning, we know it’s even more important that caregivers be involved in student progress and feel empowered to support their instructional needs. We encourage you to share the Amplify ELA Caregiver site to provide curriculum details, an overview of what to expect, and resources to use with students at home.

If this is your first time receiving the Amplify ELA newsletter, welcome! Each month we share the most important information you need to know: program highlights and announcements, upcoming events, tips for the classroom, and more.

Are you working with your students to set any 2022 goals? We created a fun goal-setting sheet to help you get the ball rolling. Download and share this free worksheet to start 2022 off strong!



Congratulations to our Science of Reading Star Award winners!

We invite you to get to know the teachers, principals, and district leaders who were selected as 2021 Science of Reading Stars. We celebrate these stand-out educators as well as all of the nominees! From Ohio to California, these educators champion their students and go the extra mile for literacy success.

Meet the Science of Reading Star Award winners and finalists.

Attention Amplify ELA Teachers!

We're looking to speak to you about how you're using Amplify's middle school writing program. Our teams are hard at work developing new features and product improvements for your classroom—and we want your input. Schedule a feedback session during a time that fits your schedule and receive a DonorsChoose gift card in appreciation for your insights.

Schedule a feedback session.


Science of Reading podcast host Susan Lambert

This week: Free virtual event with Science of Reading podcast host Susan Lambert

This Thursday, January 20, tune in to our YouTube page at 6 p.m. ET for a live, virtual event with Science of Reading podcast host Susan Lambert! There’s no registration necessary for this free event. Susan will be answering questions from you and your peers, and sharing pro tips and insights to help you make the most of the Science of Reading. 

Advice and answers

ELA Novel Guides

The ELA Novel Guides offer engaging and flexible materials designed around authentic texts students love. They can be incorporated into any curriculum schedule, include a printable PDF, and are housed in the Amplify Library app.

Learn more about Amplify ELA Novel Guides.

Amplify uptime

Each month, we share our historical uptime for your Amplify program. During the month of December, the Amplify ELA uptime was 100%. 

Learn more about uptime and subscribe to status updates to stay informed.

Let's connect

Have you joined our Amplify ELA community on Facebook? It’s the best way to stay on top of helpful insights, community discussions, and surprise giveaways! We recently asked members to share their holiday wishlists for their classrooms and randomly selected Wisconsin teacher Christine and Tennessee teachers Cori, Evie, and Lacy to win the items on their lists to start the new year off a little more brightly, in thanks for their dedication to their students.