This fall, join Amplify and the Lawrence Hall of Science for a series of webinars on new program features for back-to-school 2019 and program support to ensure a successful start of school for you and your students.


Amplify Science: Introducing Classwork
Thursday, September 19
3:30 – 4:15pm ET
Hosts: Heath Williams, Ayala Falk

Watch the recording.

Join product experts from Amplify for a deep dive on Classwork, a brand-new feature for Amplify Science for back-to-school 2019. Classwork is a clean, organized, redesigned Gradebook that will allow teachers to spend less time finding student work and more time reviewing it.


Amplify Science: What's new for 2019-20
Wednesday, September 25
3 – 3:45pm ET
Host: Heath Williams

Watch the recording.

Join Amplify Science for an overview of new and updated features for teachers and students for back-to-school 2019.


Amplify Science: Planning and preparation with the Lawrence Hall of Science
Thursday, October 3
3 – 3:45pm ET

Watch the recording.

6:30 – 7:15pm ET

Watch the recording.
Hosts: Heath Williams, Rebecca Abbott

Join Amplify and the curriculum experts from the Lawrence Hall of Science for a deep dive on planning and preparation for Amplify Science. Senior staff from the Hall will walk new Amplify Science users through strategies and tips for planning and preparing for instruction and hold a Q&A session with participants.


Amplify Science: Locating materials and supports online
Thursday, October 17
3 – 3:45pm ET
Host: Heath Williams

Watch the recording.

Want to know where to find helpful resources, materials, and supports in the Amplify Science digital Teacher’s Guide? Join Amplify for this webinar with an overview on navigating the digital Teacher’s Guide, unit-, chapter-, and lesson-level resources, and embedded pedagogical support. 


Amplify Science: NGSS Benchmark Assessments
Tuesday, October 22
4 – 4:45pm ET
Host: Heath Williams

Watch the recording.

Join Amplify for an overview of the NGSS Benchmark Assessments for Grades 3–8. Product experts will discuss their purpose, how they fit in with the Amplify Science curriculum, integration across platforms, and more. The webinar will also include examples of assessment questions and scoring guides.


Amplify Science: Lesson and unit pacing with the Lawrence Hall of Science
Thursday, October 24

6:30 – 7:15pm ET

Hosts: Heath Williams, Rebecca Abbott

Watch the recording.
Join Amplify and the curriculum experts from the Lawrence Hall of Science for a deep dive on lesson and unit pacing in Amplify Science. Senior staff from the Hall will walk new Amplify Science users through strategies and tips for lesson and unit pacing and hold a Q&A session with participants.