Cracking the code with the science of reading

Understanding the brain is essential to unlocking effective ways to teach early reading. Register for a webinar that examines what we know about brain science, how you can apply this knowledge to help every student learn to read, and what effective reading instruction looks like in practice. 

Date: May 29, 2020, 4–5 p.m. EDT


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Presenter: Danielle Damico


Director of Learning Science, Amplify


Amplify Reading is an adaptive digital reading program for K–5 grounded in the science of reading. It provides practice and instruction in vocabulary, comprehension, close reading, and foundational skills such as phonological awareness and phonics. It is the only program of its kind to offer practice in comprehension processes, an overlooked element of reading comprehension. And it works: Amplify Reading reduces the number of at-risk students and closes the gap between English learners and their peers.

*All registrants will receive a recording of the webinar.


Summer school with Amplify Reading
Amplify Reading is an ideal solution for remote learning and COVID-19 response. The presentation will cover how you can use Amplify Reading to close student learning gaps this summer and throughout the school year.