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ELA Webinar series

Three Classroom Strategies to Prepare Your Students for High School

Now available on demand


Prepare students for the increased demands of high school.

Register to watch the recording of our webinar series Three Classroom Strategies to Prepare Your Students for High School. This event took place from Oct. 29–Dec. 5, 2022.


Join us for Amplify's Fall ELA webinar series: Three Classroom Strategies to Prepare Your Students for High School! Amplify has designed this three-part webinar series to help instructors understand how building the proper scaffolding throughout each grade will maximize growth for middle school students of all levels. Using different classroom tactics helps students in becoming confident, active learners while also meeting them where they are.

Presented by

Kamilah Simpson

Associate Vice President, Professional Development


Each webinar discusses a unique strategy, so be sure to sign up for each one. You’ll walk away with implementation strategies and tips you can bring back to use with your own students.

Empower Students to Appreciate Rich Literature: Introduction to Shakespeare

Recorded on Wednesday, Oct. 19, 2022. Register to watch.

Why is Romeo & Juliet such a hot topic in middle school? Discover how introducing your middle school students to Shakespeare can foster appreciation and deep engagement.

Deliver the Social Nature of Learning Through Socratic Seminars

Recorded on Friday, Nov. 18, 2022. Register to watch.

Learn how to model a robust Socratic Seminar that encourages students to use effective habits of discussion and critical thinking skills to explain their ideas and support them with evidence.

Leverage Research Units to Develop Critical Thinkers

Recorded on Monday, Dec. 5, 2022. Register to watch.

Learn how to navigate research units to help your students assess sources, become media literate, and gain skills that help them become critical thinkers outside the scope of literature.

Register to watch!
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