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Building Content Knowledge to Boost Comprehension in the Primary Grades

Efficacy study by Sonia Q. Cabell and Hyejin Hwang


Results from this study reveal Amplify CKLA meets ESSA criteria for Tier I: Strong Evidence as an education intervention.

Compared to a business-as-usual control group, students who received Amplify CKLA Knowledge instruction had significantly greater post-test outcomes on proximal (researcher-developed) measures of taught vocabulary, science knowledge, and social studies knowledge, as well as on standardized measures of general expressive vocabulary.

Sonia Q. Cabell, Ph.D., and Hyejin Hwang, Ph.D., lead researchers in this study, concluded that Amplify CKLA’s knowledge-building is a unique intervention that has "shown transfer to more generalized learning as measured via a standardized assessment.”

Fill out the form below to download the free efficacy study now.

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