About the Event
How do teachers support students in navigating grade-level, complex texts? It requires a shift in mindset, planning, and practice. In this session, Mitchell will provide instructional routines related to fluency, vocabulary, syntax, and verbal reasoning. You will learn how to plan for and deploy teaching strategies that develop students’ capacity to go BEYOND RETELLING and move toward a deeper understanding of complex texts.

Mitchell Brookins
Mitchell Brookins has spent years studying, exploring, and refining his practices to improve student learning. He has taught on the South Side of Chicago; been a district leader of RtI and literacy in Chicago Public Schools; served as a school administrator in Chicago Public Schools and New Orleans; and currently acts as senior director with Leading Educators, supporting professional learning systems in Baltimore City Schools. Mitchell also serves as literacy content reviewer for EdReports; professional learning facilitator for the National Board Professional Teaching Standards, UnboundEd, LETRS, AIM Institute, and New Schools for New Orleans; and a member of the Board of Directors for The Reading League.