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Science of Reading Star Awards celebration

May 23 | 1–2:30 p.m. EDT


It’s time for our stars to shine.

Our Science of Reading superstars light the way for students every day. They guide their districts, schools, and classrooms through the unknowns and challenges of change. They are steadfast and unwavering in their commitment to their students. They are a bright beacons of hope for knowledge, for discovery, for literacy, for opportunity.

Join us as we celebrate our 2023 Science of Reading Star Award winners. Out of more than one thousand nominations, their stories of Science of Reading success moved us the most. Don’t miss our keynote with acclaimed thought leaders and our educator panel moderated by 2021 Science of Reading Star Awards winners Dr. Brittney Bills and Alli Rice. 


Susan Lambert

Chief Academic Officer, Elementary Humanities Host of Science of Reading: The Podcast

DeJunne’ Clark Jackson

President at The Center for Literacy & Learning

Danielle Thompson

Language and Literacy Educational Consultant for PreK–8 at The Transformative Reading Teacher Group

Brittney Bills

Elementary ELA and Academic MTSS Coordinator, Grand Island Public Schools

Alli Rice

Elementary ELA Curriculum & Instruction Lead, Kansas City Kansas Public Schools

Register for our free panel discussion with our star-studded guests to learn:

  • Why making the shift matters, especially right now.
  • How to build a Science of Reading system at all levels of instruction.
  • How to seek buy-in from key stakeholders.
  • How to choose the right Science of Reading-based program, and to trust that it is true to the research.
  • How to build a community of growth and a culture of learning to sustain the shift.

That’s not all! Register now and you will receive a FREE Science of Reading digital bookbag of resources to kickstart your journey with SoR.

Register for our virtual Science of Reading Star Award Celebration event

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