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Infusing Problem-Based Learning Into Math Classrooms

Lessons Learned ebook

Making meaningful improvements to your math instruction can feel challenging. The good news is that with the right support systems, you can articulate a new vision of math that motivates. You’ll see your students engaged, your teachers invigorated, and your classrooms transformed.

The transition to a student-centered math approach isn’t immediate—it starts with incremental shifts that end in huge learning gains. Our newest math ebook, Infusing Problem-Based Learning Into Math Classrooms, centers real educator insights to prepare you for the initial steps of change management, including:

  • Starting early with free resources to ease the transition to problem-based learning.
  • Understanding the four key components to starting the shift to curiosity-driven math instruction.
  • Contextualizing the challenges facing math education, and the reasons our students and teachers deserve more.

Download your free ebook!

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