Try Amplify Desmos Math
Amplify Desmos Math is a new, curiosity-driven program that supports teachers in building their students’ lifelong math proficiency.
What is Amplify Desmos Math?
We believe in math that motivates. Our structured approach to problem-based learning builds on students’ curiosity to develop lasting grade-level understandings for all students.
The program thoughtfully combines conceptual understanding, fluency, and application, motivating students with interesting problems they are eager to solve. Teachers can spend more time where it’s most impactful: creating a collaborative classroom of learners.
What’s included:
- Beautifully designed and easy-to-use Teacher Editions and Student Editions
Interactive Student Activity Screens and Presentation Screens
Instructional supports, teacher facilitation tools, and progress-monitoring tools
Boost Personalized Learning activities, Assessment Resources, Intervention and Extension Resources, and Centers Resources
How it works:

- Fill out the form. (We promise it’ll only take a minute!)
- Keep an eye out for further communication from a member of our sales team, who will provide more detailed information about the program.
Connect with a product expert today!
Ready to bring Amplify Desmos Math to your school or district? Fill out this form and we’ll get in touch with you.