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2024 Science of Reading Star Awards ceremony

May 21, 2024 |6 p.m. EDT 


For the past three years, the Science of Reading Star Awards have honored educators who are bright beacons of light guiding their classrooms, schools, districts, and—most importantly—students through life-changing transformations with literacy. 

Now join us as we honor this year’s winners at a special celebration event. Register for this free, virtual panel discussion taking place May 21 at 6 p.m EDT to welcome our changemaking champions and celebrity keynoters Malcolm Mitchell and Mitchell Brookins, Ph.D. Together, we’ll explore: 

  • How to navigate change when shifting to the Science of Reading.
  • How to build a Science of Reading system at all levels of instruction.
  • How to choose the right Science of Reading program (and trust that it’s true to the research).
  • How to build a community of growth and a culture of learning to sustain the shift.

Malcolm Mitchell

Super Bowl Champion, Children’s Author

Mitchell Brookins, Ph.D.

Education Consultant

Register now to join us!

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