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A personalized learning program based on the Science of Reading


Amplify Reading accelerates student growth at all reading levels and reduces the number of students at risk of reading difficulty.

With our program, you know that your teachers will be able to support students at all learning levels and keep them progressing in their reading journeys, whether they’re learning at home or in the classroom.

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Amplify Reading students consistently outgrew a matched group over the course of two semesters. English Learners using Amplify Reading saw even stronger reading growth over the same time and usage. Proven to boost reading growth in just 30 minutes a week, use Amplify Reading this year to get students excelling as readers. 

Use Amplify Reading to catch students up in foundational skills this fall and beyond

Amplify Reading is an ideal K–5 program for students' personalized learning, at home or in the classroom. Teachers can be confident about their students’ reading growth in any learning environment.

"[Amplify Reading] has taken a weight off my shoulders and I am so grateful and can’t thank you enough! My biggest concern during this time was how can I keep pushing my readers at their level—and giving them what they need—and Amplify Reading solved that."

2nd-grade teacher, Chicago, IL

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