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Boost Reading+

Personalized foundational skills program that integrates quick assessment with instruction, practice, and intervention

Amplify Skills Boost

A reading acceleration program that drives growth in just 30 minutes a day.

Introducing Boost Reading+, a reading acceleration program for grades K–6 that draws on 20 years of expertise in early reading. Boost Reading+ is a digital supplemental curriculum that works alongside any core program to provide 30 minutes of ready-to-go foundational skills instruction every day, freeing teachers to focus on grade-level instruction.

Only Boost Reading+ integrates:

  • Quick assessment.

  • Targeted instruction.

  • Personalized practice.

  • Intervention.

All of these features are drawn from our gold-standard early literacy suite, based on the Science of Reading and designed to help you meet your students where they are.

Complete the form to get in touch with us and see how this groundbreaking new program works!

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