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Webinar series

What does the immersive math classroom look like?


Why watch?

Teaching in an immersive math classroom—one where instruction is centered around compelling problems that students reason about in order to develop strong conceptual understanding—can be truly beneficial for students. However, this is not the way most adults were taught math, or how to teach, and so it can feel risky for teachers who don’t have much time to teach a lot of content.

Both of our webinars discuss how you can support your fellow educators in creating an immersive math classroom. 

On-demand webinars

What Does Problem-Based Learning Unlock for Students?

Problem-based math instruction helps teachers set the stage for memorable learning experiences and transfer the responsibility for the learning to students. Doing so helps develop students’ problem-solving and reasoning skills. Learn how this type of instruction engages all students in grade-level math, every day.

Available on-demand with registration.

Presented by:

Kristin Gray

Kristin Gray

Making the Shift to More Student-Centered Instruction

Teaching with instruction that is centered around compelling problems allow students to reason about in order to develop strong conceptual understanding, can be truly beneficial for students. However, this is not the way most adults were taught math, or how to teach, and so it can feel risky for teachers who don’t have much time to teach a lot of content. How do we remove the risk to support teachers in making the shift?

Available on-demand with registration.

Presented by:

Kathleen Sheehy

Kathleen Sheehy

Ben Simon

Ben Simon

Don't miss out on any of these webinars!
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