Introducing Thankful Thursdays: A celebration for all that you do
Over the next several months, we at Amplify want to shower you with giveaways and special events to show our appreciation for your dedication. This week on the Amplify Education Facebook page, we’ve been featuring profiles of teachers doing amazing work in the classroom. You can check out the schedule of all the exciting new things to come on a special page dedicated to Thankful Thursdays. This is just one way we strive to give back to educators like you who make an impact every single day!
Exciting updates have been released for Amplify's K–5 Interactive Classroom experience!
As of November 2, teachers with Interactive Classroom licenses can access and assign digital lessons through the Amplify curriculum platform and teach with enhanced slides and pacing controls. Students can then easily access assignments from a new home page and respond to digital activities with audio recordings, image uploads, drawings, or text boxes. Learn more about these significant updates!
Shape your Amplify CKLA features
Our teams are hard at work developing new products and features for your classroom! From CKLA slides to teacher planning tools and lesson customization, we want to develop the program with your feedback in mind. Sign up for a feedback session and receive a $50 gift card to DonorsChoose for your input!
This year's finalists have been announced and notified! Stay tuned for next month's announcement recognizing the teachers, principals, and school districts that have gone above and beyond to champion their students through the Science of Reading.