With back-to-school season fast approaching, we’re working to make your job a little simpler and to help you equip your students to get the most from Amplify Reading. We’ve developed a new online resource that we hope will do just that—all year long.
Introducing start.amplify.com!
Here you’ll find an introduction to all the Amplify programs, resources to help you access and use the platform, details on training opportunities and curriculum materials, answers to frequently asked questions, and more.
Your days are busy, and implementing new or updated curriculum programs in the classroom can sometimes feel overwhelming. start.amplify.com will walk you through what you need to get started with Amplify Reading. You’ll also find the link to our Caregiver Hub to provide to your students' caregivers. It will help them to engage and support their learners from home.
Don’t miss the start.amplify.com “What’s new!” section for new and enhanced Amplify Reading features for this year. When you provide us feedback, we’re listening, and this year’s program is better than ever!
We hope these online tools will be valuable to you in the weeks and months ahead. Watch for lots more to come on start.amplify.com—including event updates and resources to support your students.
And as you prepare your classroom for a new class of students, we invite you to download this customizable welcome sign!