As you continue settling into routines and getting to know your new students, we are here with tools to guide you.
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We know this is a busy time for you—and here at Amplify, we want to help make the transition back to school as smooth as possible. In celebration of the new season, we invite you to download this fall-themed coloring page to help decorate your classroom with your students’ beautiful artwork.

As you begin teaching with Amplify CKLA this year, we encourage you to use as a resource that will get you up and running and keep you on track all year long. The site includes tips for program implementation, answers to frequently asked questions, and fun classroom downloadables.

Don’t forget to check out the Amplify CKLA Quick Start page, which has temporary login credentials to give you access to the program right now, printable versions of program materials, teaching recommendations, and plenty more!


Did you enjoy our recent Back to Basics series?

If you missed a session, would like to share with a fellow colleague, or want a refresh, you can find all of the videos, live session recordings, and bonus materials, at! And if you attended, we’d love to get your feedback to help make the series even better for next year. Anyone who completes our survey will receive a thank you gift from us!

Resources for families

We encourage you to share the Amplify CKLA Caregiver Hub with your students’ caregivers. This site provides curriculum details, an overview of what to expect throughout the school year, and resources to use with students at home.


Nancy Underwood

Nancy Underwood

Tintic School District, Utah

“I love being able to witness the small victories my students have throughout the year. There’s nothing better than working so hard with them and seeing them be excited and understand something new. It makes all the challenges worth it!”

We want to spotlight you next!

Each featured educator will receive a special gift from us.

Advice and answers

Need help fast? Chat for answers!

Contact our technical or pedagogical teams while logged into the curriculum to get immediate help in the middle of the school day! Our chat agents are standing by to assist you. Simply log in and click the orange chat button in the bottom right corner to quickly connect with our support team. Our support hours are Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. ET.

CKLA chat feature

Are you receiving more than one newsletter?

If so, it’s because we have the pleasure of providing you with more than one Amplify program. Each month we’ll share the most important information you need to know based on the program(s) you use.