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Free classroom trial

Who killed Edgar Allan Poe?


Let your students solve this mystery with a free trial of our engaging, week-long educational activity. 

The Quest, Who Killed Edgar Allan Poe?, accompanies Unit 7D: Poetry & Poe, and is a fun and engaging way for students to explore the world of Edgar Allan Poe’s writing while applying critical reading and writing skills. The Quest is based on a mystery: Poe has been murdered and students must figure out who did it. They explore a range of suspects, including characters from Poe’s works and his critics.


Students assume the identity of a suspect and interview each other to uncover evidence. The Quest offers clues for each character in the form of primary source documents from the 19th century. Additional details and clues can be found in Poe’s works, which students encounter in the Amplify ELA core program, but these are not necessary to solve the mystery. Students use a digital notebook to record evidence and theories about the murder and then use their notes to write a formal claim and accusation identifying who they believe murdered Poe.

Teachers receive a comprehensive guide to running the Quest, with step-by-step instructions for each chapter and options for multiple endings for different classes.

Speak with a representative about obtaining a free sample!

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