Hi {{custom.firstName}},


I think you have a real opportunity with this question in your next lesson! Instead of asking students to try to write down the same equation, we’re asking students to “write an equation none of your classmates will.”

Image of a angles and the prompt to write an equation relating them.

Because we’re inviting students to be creative and take risks, you’ll likely see a bunch of wrong answers here. When that happens, try out one of my favorite moves and see if it works for you:

  1. Take a student’s wrong answer.
  2. Say, “This answer is wrong and I love it.”
  3. Ask, “In a different world, with a slightly different diagram, it would be correct. Tell your neighbor about that world.”

By asking students to “tell me about a different world,” one where the wrong answer is right, you’ll likely help students understand that wrong answers aren’t something to hide, rather one more resource that can help them learn.


Dan & the Desmos Classroom Team

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