Dear {{custom.firstName}},


Handing over the keys to the car can be nerve-racking, especially if the person is just learning how to drive! It’s natural to want to take control of the wheel when we feel they are veering off the road.

At some point, we recognize that the only way they are going to learn how to drive is to let them drive. Take a look at this screen from Better Weather?

An image of a graphing calculator where students can construct a box plot.

Students are in the driver’s seat here. We could walk our students through this screen step by step or we could let students lead.


By giving them full control of the Desmos Graphing Calculator to create their box plots, students get to explore all the things the graphing calculator can do. Invite them to change the height so it’s not 1, or make a box plot with their own city’s high temperatures. Ask them, “How could including a slider to the offset help us compare the box plots?” Lots of great discoveries could happen and students will see the graphing calculator as a powerful tool! 


When we let students lead, we create more opportunities for students to author their mathematical learning. We encourage you to hop in the passenger seat, buckle up, and enjoy the ride.


Dan & the Desmos Classroom Team

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