I have to tell you, in my years teaching, I saw a lot of students who feared math, who thought if you use the wrong numbers in the wrong formula at the wrong time you might break math.
You have the opportunity in Filling Cubes to help students understand you can’t break math.
On the second screen, students might worry that they don’t know the answer yet. It might not occur to them that they should just try something.
If a student is nervous to start, you might just say directly, “Hey, it’s cool. You can’t break math. Just try a number. See what happens. Learn from it. Then try another number.”
Eventually, they may come to understand math as you and I do. Friendly. Playful. Eager to know what you know and respond in some interesting way.
I can’t tell you how excited we are at Desmos to work with you and help your students know math in a new and different way.
Dan & the Desmos Classroom Team
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