It's time for Unit 6—let's go! Let's change some minds about math in this unit!
Students often have the idea that math is about a big number of very small ideas—lots of little definitions and rules all stacked awkwardly on a shelf. Let's help students understand, instead, that math is actually about a very small number of very big ideas.
Start with the question, not the answer.
You'll offer your students lots of useful answers in this unit:
Tape diagrams
Hanger diagrams
Symbolic solution methods
And more.
You can help your students keep them all straight and understand their purpose by starting with a question.
In this lesson and in this entire unit, the question you'll tackle over and over again is "What number makes the equation true?" (In later years, your students will come to understand that more than one number sometimes makes an equation true and that sometimes no number makes it true.) By keeping that question in mind, your students can organize new learning by asking themselves over and over again, "How does this tool help me figure out the number?"
As little ideas connect with larger ideas, your students will likely find the math of this unit easier to learn, but I hope they'll also learn something important about the nature and size of mathematics itself.
Dan & the Desmos Classroom Team
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