Choosing our favorite screen in this lesson is a lot like choosing a favorite student. All the screens are our favorites! But in this upcoming lesson, we want to let you in on a secret:
We thinkthis screencan spark some really interesting conversations.
It’s always interesting and surprising to hear what young people have to say about fairness. This screen gives you the opportunity to have a discussion about fairness. Lean into that conversation. Find out what your students think by inviting them to bring their own sense of fairness to the table!
We hope the discussion on fairness lingers as they explore the math in the lesson. After solving an equation, consider asking,“What is fair about this distribution of seats? What is not fair about it?” After rewriting an equation, consider asking, “How could this equation help us determine what’s fair?”
This screen is just one example of fairness being discussed explicitly. We hope that by leaning into that discussion, you will find opportunities to make this lesson a powerful learning experience for students.
Team Desmos
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