Explore resources to get the new year off to a great start and get your students excited about learning.
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We hope you’re excited about all the new year will bring! Start 2023 strong by checking out some of the latest resources, events, and tips for Amplify ELA.

Monthly downloadable

Have your students fill out our goal sheet as a writing and reflection activity. We have one for younger students and one for older students, both in English and Spanish!

Advice and answers

How can I differentiate using Amplify ELA?

The Differentiation section of the Lesson Brief explains the supports provided in each level and when they may be helpful for particular students. 

Don’t forget that activities with a plus icon contain differentiation levels with supports and extension activities for all learners. And in the Student Level Assignments screen, you can easily drag and drop student names into the level appropriate for their needs!

The Vocab App

When students sign into the Vocab App, it will display words they'll work on that day: Two are “important words” from the text that all students receive regardless of their stream, two or more are words specific to the student’s stream, and two words are drawn from an academic word list that all students receive. You can set the level of differentiation from the Reporting tab while in the application.

Please note that setting differentiation in the Vocab App is distinct from setting differentiation in the curriculum!

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Glenny Lapaix

Passaic City Schools, New Jersey

“My favorite part about teaching Amplify is that my students are immersed in rigorous texts and activities and I can focus more of my energy on modifications, improvements, giving students valuable feedback, and lesson delivery.”

We want to spotlight you next!

Each featured educator will receive a special gift from us.

Are you receiving more than one newsletter?

If so, it’s because we have the pleasure of providing you with more than one Amplify program. Each month we’ll share the most important information you need to know based on the program(s) you use.