As this calendar year winds down, we’re reflecting on your essential role and impact as a teacher.
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As this calendar year winds down, we at Amplify are reflecting on your essential role and impact as a teacher. We hope the upcoming mid-year break is an opportunity to recharge and reset for the second half of the school year!

Monthly downloadable
Monthly downloadable

To help your students celebrate the upcoming season, we’ve created winter-themed downloadable activities for younger and older students, in both English and Spanish.


Class Settings

Amplify Reading Caregiver Reports

Before you head out for winter break, we want to remind you that our Caregiver Reports make it easy to keep families informed about their students’ progress in Amplify Reading. You can access these printable PDF reports directly from the Student Detail View, or head to the Class Settings tab in Amplify Reading to download them for your whole class at once!

New episode—Science of Reading: The Podcast

The latest episode of Science of Reading: The Podcast is now available! Tune in to hear Rebecca Kockler discuss why state governments should focus on logistics, procurement, and equipping educators with the information they need to make the best decisions for their students.

Susan Lambert

Connect with Susan Lambert

For practical Science of Reading advice from a leading expert in the field, tune in to monthly Off the Pod Facebook Lives on the Science of Reading: The Community Facebook group. The next one is tomorrow, Dec. 7, at 7 p.m. ET!


The Science of Reading Is for Everyone

Event details

Ongoing through Dec. 19

Event location

Webinar series

Have you been wondering how the Science of Reading and its instructional practices are key to student success? You can still tune in to the last few events in our webinar series to hear from fellow Amplify educators about their experiences implementing the Science of Reading in their teaching strategies and classrooms.

Past sessions now on demand!

Watch recorded sessions to supplement your professional development.

Advice and answers

Looking for more ways to encourage your students to use Amplify Reading?

We have printable engagement resources in your Teacher Guide, like our goal-setting charts and usage trackers featuring familiar faces from Amplify Reading. There are activities for grades K–3 and 4–5.


Calling all educators

Do you know an educator who deserves to be recognized? Share the educator's name, district, what they’re doing to stand out, and any additional information with us so we can highlight them in a future newsletter and send them a special gift.

Let's connect

Join our Amplify Reading & mCLASS Facebook group for chances to gain inspiration from Amplify educators around the country! We’d love to see you collaborate, ask questions, and share what you’ve been enjoying about your Amplify program.

Are you receiving more than one newsletter?

If so, it’s because we have the pleasure of providing you with more than one Amplify program. Each month we’ll share the most important information you need to know based on the program(s) you use.