🔖 New year, new goal-setting bookmark!
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Amplify Education

Amplify CKLA & Amplify Caminos

The mCLASS Newsletter

We hope you enjoyed a restful winter break and that your 2024 is off to a great start! We’d love to kick off the new year with some reflection.

Do you know educators who are empowering their students and transforming their classrooms, schools, or districts with true Science of Reading instruction? Celebrate these rockstars by nominating them for a Science of Reading Star Award! Check out our categories and list of prizes—and nominate before Feb. 15.

Here's to another year of remarkable achievements and memorable moments!


⬇️ Monthly downloadable

We partnered with Amplify Ambassador Allie Appel to create these goal-setting bookmarks! Allie works with her students to set goals, then checks in on their progress and places a sticker or star in the box below a goal once they’ve completed it. Once one goal is met, the students set another!


💬 Advice and answers

How can I differentiate using Amplify CKLA and Amplify Caminos?

As you settle in for the second half of the school year, you might be turning your attention to differentiation. The sidebars of the Teacher Guides have differentiation suggestions for students who are above grade level (Challenge/Desafío), need more scaffolding (Support/Apoyo a la enseñanza), or who are English/multilingual learners (Access). Use these suggestions to customize lessons based on students' needs!

For additional CKLA differentiation resources, you can use the Intervention Toolkit and Assessment and Remediation Guides. Amplify Caminos has intervention resources embedded in the Teacher Guide/Guía del Maestro: Apoyo adicional at the end of each lesson, and Recursos Adicionales at the back of the Guide.

What writing activities will my students complete in the second half of the school year?

As you begin to evaluate student progress at the mid-year point, you may be wondering what else is on the horizon on your students’ writing journeys. In the PD Library, we’ve laid out the text types and range of writing activities you can expect through the end of the year for both Amplify CKLA and Amplify Caminos.


🗓️ Calendar

It All Starts With Data: Charting Your Course With the Science of Reading

📍 Webinar series

🗓️ Feb. 5–9, 2024

Join us for five consecutive days of FREE one-hour webinars focused on the evidence-based stages of a Science of Reading implementation and the critical role data plays throughout a Science of Reading journey!


🔗 Let’s connect

The Amplify CKLA Facebook community is a perfect place to get inspired! Join us in the new year to receive some words of encouragement throughout your week and loads of inspiration from fellow educators.


✏️ Tell us your story!

Educators like you do amazing things with Amplify programs every day. We want to showcase those moments. Help us shine a light on the future of learning by contributing a testimonial.


⭐ Spotlight

Kathe McCormick-Evans

Barcroft Elementary School, VA

This month we asked one of our amazing Amplify Ambassadors, Kathe McCormick-Evans, to share some helpful program advice. She said:


We want to hear from you!

Have helpful program advice, or an educator you’d like to nominate?

Submit your spotlight   › 


Are you receiving more than one newsletter?

If so, it’s because we have the pleasure of providing you with more than one Amplify program. Each month we’ll share the most important information you need to know based on the program(s) you use.

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© 2024 Amplify Education, Inc., 55 Washington St., Brooklyn, NY 11201

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