Explore resources to get the new year off to a great start and get your students excited about learning.
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We hope you’re excited about all the new year will bring! Start 2023 strong by checking out some of the latest resources, events, and tips for Amplify CKLA.

Monthly downloadable

Have your students fill out our goal sheet as a writing and reflection activity. We have one for younger students and one for older students, both in English and Spanish!

Advice and answers

How can I differentiate using Amplify CKLA?

The sidebars of the Teacher Guides have differentiation suggestions for students who are above grade level (Challenge), need more scaffolding (Support), or English language learners (Access). Use them to customize lessons based on students' needs! For additional differentiation resources, use the Intervention Toolkit and Assessment and Remediation Guides on the Teacher Resource Site!

Need to give students more fluency practice?

You can find fluency packets on the CKLA Teacher Resource Site! In Grade 2, they can be found in the Intervention section within each Skills unit. In Grades 3–5, the fluency supplements are under the Daily Instruction tab's Intervention section. Take-home pages in the Activity Books and additional stories at the end of some Student Readers can be also used for extra fluency practice.


Stay One Step Ahead

Event details

Beginning Jan. 10

Event location

Webinar series

Join our live monthly sessions to have an Amplify expert review the next CKLA unit in each grade’s scope and sequence, and answer any questions you have about teaching the program.

Administrator sessions will dive into the research and structure of the Amplify CKLA program.

A Conversation with Angela Dominguez, Author of Stella Díaz Has Something to Say

Event details

Wednesday, Jan. 25
1 p.m. ET

Event location

Zoom webinar

This classroom-friendly author visit will include a read-aloud, followed by a presentation and live Q&A segment.

Podcast & blog



Let's connect

Join our Amplify CKLA Facebook community for more chances to receive free and timely classroom resources that you can use with your students throughout the year!

Help us learn more about how you and your students are using Amplify!

We build programs for real classrooms and like to test new features with teachers like you! If you're interested in joining our user research program, fill out this form and our team will be in touch with you soon.


Calling all educators

Do you know an educator who deserves to be recognized? Share the educator’s name, district, and what they’re doing to stand out, so we can highlight them in a future newsletter and send them a special gift.

Are you receiving more than one newsletter?

If so, it’s because we have the pleasure of providing you with more than one Amplify program. Each month we’ll share the most important information you need to know based on the program(s) you use.